A Dirty Little Secret About Colloidal Silver
This week I have time to visit several local health food stores and online sources to control prices colloidal silver. Interesting, I found that prices for commercial products colloidal silver - all say "the best" - ranging anywhere from $ 2.50 an ounce to $ 8 per ounce.
GNC, for example, sells a popular product offering eight ounces of colloidal silver concentration of 10 ppm for $ 24.95. That is $ 3 per ounce. Not badhuh? And another health food store - a small regional chain - has been selling four-ounce bottles for $ 29 small - just over $ 7 per ounce.
An online resource has been with her 8-ounce bottles for $ 59, plus shipping $ 4.95 - adding up to about $ 8 per ounce. And another source line was at 16 ounces "samples" of their products for $ 29 plus $ 6.95 shipping - about $ 2.25 per ounce.
Overall, the average price was about $ 5 to $ 7 per ounce. Sounds good,right?
But the problem is this: During a joint health crisis such as a cold, flu, sore throats, earaches, stomach infection, upper respiratory tract infection or other infection, colloidal silver users could be anywhere one ounce to 4 ounces per day or more. So you can see that it is quite easy to care for, they end up spending a little 'heavy fungolas than a simple infection with this amazing fighting agents, infection, when all is said and done!
A Dirty Little Secret
InDespite the high cost of colloidal silver has become one of the most popular dietary supplements in America in the last two decades. According to some estimates, there are now about 10 million Americans regularly to treat infections, to fight the disease and restore health and immunity.
But it has a little secret lurking, and hope the big producers who do not know.
What is the dirty little secret? It 'easy. ManufacturersPowerful natural drugs against this infection have been grossly overcharged it for decades. In fact, it contains a small 4-ounce bottle of colloidal silver is only six hundredths of a store-bought real value of silver particles!
6 cents of particles of silver for $ 29?
Yes, it's true. It costs about six cents a value of 4 ounces of product to be made, not greedy suppliers of health food store and online sources will charge up to $ 29 for the same small amount!
This is a huge2400% surcharge on every bottle sold. No other nutritional supplement on earth is to make it as cheap, but so expensive to buy.
Outraged? You should. But it gets worse. According to a recent study tested only approximately 43% of the commercial colloidal silver products, the actual concentration of silver printed on the bottle contained. Some did not contain silver particles at all!
In other words, not only the manufacturer of this product is grossly overloaded, but manyyou seem to have short-changed even more with the sale of highly dilute solutions!
The Good News!
Here's the good news: thanks for taking a step forward in technology recently colloidal silver so you can now take completely unfair monopoly on the price of commercial producers. In fact, that its fresh, pure, unadulterated, therapeutic-quality colloidal silver - in the comfort and privacy of your home - for about 36 cents a liter!
Yes, this isunder $ 1.50 per gallon for a product of many natural food stores and Internet providers charge an average of $ 5 per ounce!
And believe it or not, because the newest innovation, we say, then the homemade stuff now a higher quality than most commercial brands!
How can this be possible? First a little 'history:
While the commercial register tried colloidal silver manufacturers, the use of colloidal silver generators sabotage!
It all started about 15Years as a brilliant physicist Dr. Robert Beck has discovered, like a miniature version of the large machines used by manufacturers for the production of colloidal silver.
Dr. Beck small device, although crude, was very effective. Size, it was just a little 'bigger than a deck of cards. And it was run by three 9 volt batteries. Best of all permits, this cute little device you 16 ounces of liquid batches, the infection of elixir to fight at a time, onlyCents!
He soon bought tens of thousands of these small generators and users have started their own colloidal silver. This has laid the large commercial providers to a real tizzy. Saw its lucrative monopoly on sales collapse before their eyes, and all the exorbitant profits that would have done was right down the drain. After all, if even a fraction of the roughly 10 million users in colloidal silver in North America began its solutionsHouse would face the big commercial producers millions of dollars lost each year of sale.
So, to protect their profits and help cripple the sales of small home generators, some of the big commercial producers have something very sneaky. So tricky, in fact, there would be some crooked politicians have been proud. They started rumors floating on bad natural-medicine community, which says that the solution of colloidal silver made with the tiny,Battery-generators were somehow "toxic" or "toxic" because a substance called silver chloride was formed in the process.
The Big Lie
Of course, the fact that the silver chloride will never be proved "toxic" or "toxic" completely irrelevant to them. And the fact that the silver chloride produced commercially for the first time by Dr. Leonard Herschberg Johns Hopkins University in 1923 and has been used in hospitals for decades without any negative impact has beencompletely ignored.
It also ignores the fact that the silver chloride as harmless, has no significant toxicological evaluations in the records of the state as diverse as the ATSDR toxicological, NIOSH, RTECS, HSDB, or the EPA has listed.
Nothing prevents the main producers of this false claim. The only thing important to them, the sale of generators small tenement to a screeching halt.
Of course, the tens of thousands of users of thissmall devices, knew better. They continued the production and use of their own colloidal silver for pennies per game, cure the infection and significantly increase their health in the process.
But unfortunately many people who are not familiar with colloidal silver effects, the well-orchestrated campaign of rumors and lies that are promulgated by some of the leading manufacturers. Harmless to afraid to take "silver chloride", has avoided buyingsmall generators. And as a result, they continued with the nose to the little four oz bottles of the product, which sells pay of the large commercial producers.
The struggle continues
Since then, the battle between commercial producers and manufacturers of small home generators, continues unabated. But now, thanks to a new brand design innovations in technology such as colloidal silver, the battle is over for good order. And the great commercialThe manufacturers do not like it at all.
Why? Because we have a new type of generator that not only makes fresh, pure, genuine colloidal silver, silver chloride is not found, is also good electrical silver particles that are smaller than anything that pay the big producers have been able to produce.
More on that in a moment. But first ...
What is really wrong with conventional colloidal silver generator?
Since the timeDr. Beck has invented the first, relatively coarse small colloidal silver generator battery at home 15 years ago, things have changed. Many new types of generators have been developed. The market is virtually flooded with them. Some run on batteries. Some families run on electricity. Some use complex computer technology. A model of thorns in a normal home phone jack, power and runs on the phone!
And while these new units are brought home in the production of colloidal silverThe technology from the dark ages and into the realm of relatively modern technological sophistication, there is a problem that has not been (so far) successfully solved: all too often these are nice small units producing overly large silver particles, which are difficult for the human body to absorb, use and then retire.
Often the particles are so large that they are not properly distilled water that remain to be made for a long time suspended.Instead of starting in a very short period of overly large silver particles to lose their electrical charge to drop of suspension in the solution and slowly drops down the bottle, the tank (it is called "precipitation" of silver particles) , leaving a thin silvery-gray coating on the bottom. This is of course greatly reduces the effectiveness and efficiency of the solution of colloidal silver.
It is interesting to note that the large commercial producers of these little knownProblem all the time, and was never mentioned, despite their absolute hatred for the small home generators.
Why not have allowed the commercial producer to spill the beans and this error on this issue? The answer is simple: it is because too often their bottles of expensive brands of colloidal silver - sold in health food stores across the country - have the same problem. They are full of silver particles too large!
Because the size of the particles is soImportant?
So, because the particle size so important? To make colloidal silver for his work - that help to eradicate the infection and again a state of health and long-lasting immunity in the human body - for the silver particles in a solution to be small enough to allow the body to properly absorb, transport, and use to expel. So, depending on whether smaller, more efficient solution will be.
In other words, the silver particles are absorbed better. They are much easierdeep into cells and tissues, such as minerals transported from the food you eat. They are used by the body with much greater efficiency. And it is much easier for the body to be separated from that, the risk of an excessive accumulation of silver in tissues and organs is virtually zero, until the product with the correct size.
In contrast, the higher the silver particles are, the less effective is the solution! The larger particles are more difficult for the bodyabsorb ... difficult for the body's cells and tissues in the transport sector ... difficult to use for the body ... and difficult for the body, then resign.
So it is obvious that a solution of colloidal silver, which mainly consist of tiny submicroscopic silver particles much more effectively than is mainly silver particles too large.
In fact, the only way to really get deep infections - such as those caused by "stealth pathogens", which tend to hidedeep in the cells and tissues of the human body - is, if the silver particles are small enough for the body to absorb deep into the cells and tissues in the same way it absorbed other minerals such as iron, copper, chromium, zinc, etc.
Moreover, the silver particles are small enough to expel the body after having done their work so you do not get an excessive accumulation of silver in the body over time.
Unfortunately, most colloidal silver - ifgenerated by a conventional or sold in health food stores from large commercial vendors - not only contain small enough to treat difficult infections on the silver particles. Most of the particles are too big to do good in the body, especially when it comes to tackling the most difficult, deep infections.
Introduction: the new micro-particle colloidal silver generator!
This is one reason why I continue to be the biggest draw inWorld for the new Micro-Particle Colloidal Silver Generator. This is one type of generator back home, which is really unlike anything ever produced.
In fact, make this new generator can be just as an important step forward in good faith in the technology of colloidal silver as described. In my opinion, means, literally, to help the greedy commercial manufacturers out of business completely.
Why? Because unlike many other generators, which produce silver particles in the range of 10 to200 microns or greater (compared to a normal red blood cells about 7 microns), the new micro-particle unit has been specifically designed for small, highly absorbable sub-microscopic silver particles, many of which only a fraction of a micron in single product format!
Actually produced the new micro-particles of silver particles as small as 0.0008 micron units. This is only eight out of ten thousandths of a micron!
In general, even bottled colloidal silver productsproduced by large commercial vendors do not contain silver particles that are nowhere near this small, but they can claim. Unlike commercial products bottled in which the particles in suspension can be clearly seen from a small laser pointer shining light through the solution, the micro-particles of silver is so small it is barely visible under laser light.
How much closer to being "solved" as you can get!
That's why it's so small, has virtually no glareSurface. This is just about as "settled" on silver particles, as can be closed. And because the silver particles are so small, the solution is clear, even if each lot has been working with literally billions of microscopic particles of silver.
In fact, these silver particles, a measure is so small, it requires the use of a powerful multi-million dollar piece of laboratory equipment, such as a transmission electron microscope, with a colossal 175 000 xMagnification!
Compare that with commercially prepared solutions, nothing that you can see, the particles usually with only 20,000 or 30,000 x magnification, and you will see that we are talking about a major breakthrough in the technology of colloidal silver at home so phenomenal that otherwise produced, as always!
Much more effective than traditional commercial products!
In fact, the micro-particles of silver believed that much more effective than traditionalcommercial solutions of silver against hard to kill viruses and other microorganisms such as deep-seated mycloplasmas insidious family of pathogens that are now in the pathogenesis of many forms of chronic degenerative diseases such as cancer, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, Crohn's disease is involved in ulcerative , type II diabetes, multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson's disease, Wegener's disease and collagen vascular diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and Alzheimer's disease.
In fact,Experts say that the micro-particles of silver produced literally phenomenal healing successes, notably in "acute care" situations in which serious deep infections who have failed standard non-prescription of antibiotics or colloidal silver, or in situations where some form chronic degenerative diseases associated with mycoplasma infection is
For example, it was widely reported that Dr. Darryl See, MD, former co-director of chronic fatigue syndrome andFibromyalgia Clinic at the University of California at Irvine, with incredible success of the treatment of patients with micro-particles of colloidal silver. According to the Health Sciences Institute, says Dr. See, the PCR DNA test is being watched by many of his patients with mycoplasma infections known to shift from positive to negative, with the use of these tiny particles of silver (see mycoplasma as agents of disease in humans, Health Sciences Institute, Vol 2, No 10, April 1998.)
This includes deepHope for millions of people from these hidden infections and subsequent debilitating chronic, degenerative diseases these insidious organisms may suffer.
In brief
In summary, the new micro-particle colloidal silver generator is designed to provide a drastic reduction of silver particles of anything that ever made available. This means you can have all the silver solutions have become popular standards in relation to infection and killingRestoring health and immunity. But because the small sub-microscopic silver particles are so small, they are used much more easily through the human body, and excreted more easily. Therefore, micro-particles of silver solutions with phenomenal success in cases of acute and chronic degenerative diseases in which long-term deep infections, which are used by suspects "stealth pathogens" such as those caused by mycoplasma family.
Say 'Goodbye! "To trade registers overpriced silver solutionsForever!
Finally, the main commercial producers of silver solutions have found their champion. Now there is no reason that they continue to gouge with exorbitant prices.
With the brand new micro-particle colloidal silver generator, you can do all of high quality colloidal silver is to quickly and easily in the comfort and privacy of your home, because only about 36 cents per liter. And you can do this for the rest of your life!
If one considers theFact that many commercial brands can be as much as $ 29 or more convenient for a small bottle of four, you see that your first payment one-liter batch of micro-particles of silver literally the entire cost of the device!
So you like the actual cost of distilled water (about 79 cents a gallon at Wal-Mart), and once a year or so you have to spend $ 25 to replace the amount of pure 999 fine silver wire (12 gauge), with your generator.
In fact, with a new brandMicro-particle colloidal silver generator costs, a single set of pure silver wire, is only $ 25 you more than 800 bottles in the value of this powerful natural infection fighting agents in the course of a year, which would create about $ 24,000 cost of today's typical health food store price of $ 30 per bottle. And your only other is the cost of distilled water.
This is about as close to the production of colloidal silver for "free" as you can get! Using a new micro-particlesDevice, you can literally afford to bathe in the stuff, if you want. In fact, many users one-liter batch beer and paste their water bath at night to soothing and rejuvenating the skin.
When you factor in the cost of silver wire and the cost of 'distilled water, there will be about 36 cents, a full one-liter batch of high quality micro-particle colloidal silver, which is blowing only costs make up to commercial brands $ 29 for a small4-bottle. And it's worth, I think you'll agree with me!